Getting Around on Nevis

8:40 pm Caribbean Traveller 0 Comments

We spent a few days on the beautiful little isle of Nevis not too long ago and met with one of the most interesting and charismatic business owners on the island and they call him Marlon Brando. No kidding!

View of Mount Nevis. photo via

He's not only the owner of a cosy set of apartments on the eastern side of the island right by the sea but he also offers a convenience store and auto rental all under M & M Enterprise. This means that booking with him can be an affordable one-stop that is perfect for the budget or solo traveller who appreciates travel made easy. Trust us, affordable self transport can be pricey but renting a vehicle is one of the best ways to explore a natural gem such as Nevis.

When Marlon is not providing great customer service with his extensive knowledge of the island and everything Nevis has to offer, he may be found taking part in one of the island's premier past-times ... golf. Ask him about it!

ST. Kitts & Nevis golf. photo via

Planning your Caribbean vacation to one of the regions under-rated emerging destinations for 2016 could include watching the sunrise in Nevis.

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