Crop Over Fever

1:23 pm Caribbean Traveller 0 Comments

kadooment; parade; costume; crop over; barbados; caribbean; carnival
A band about to present costumes for judging on Grand Kadooment Day

Every summer, Barbados beckons hundreds of travellers and returning citizens to its shores to enjoy its major cultural festival Crop Over. The festival, which generally runs for about six weeks, honors a 200 year-old tradition of celebrating the end of the sugar cane harvest season. Not just about costumes and revelry, the season includes culture fairs, activities for the children, culinary face-offs, fine art exhibitions and a long line-up of events.

Crop over; carnival; kadooment; jouvert; pan on the sand; music; party; rihanna; barbados

According to BTMI Director in the US, Petra Roach, the excitement for the festival grows yearly and of the experience, "the color, vibrancy and absolute happiness on people's faces is utterly contagious - whether it is sailing aboard a Jolly Roger cruise, attending the Pic-O-De-Crop finals or painting on eye-catching designs for Foreday Morning - there is truly something for everyone."

Now in its final week of activity, the island has just had the grand finale. 

An action packed weekend that culminated with the finals of the local kaiso competition. Later the same night, there was the increasingly popular Foreday Morning Jam, which is a nighttime paint masquerade that can serve as a teaser for the much bigger party to come, and the new Caesar's Army: AM Bush jouvert event that was heavily patronized. The next major event on the roster is usually Cohobblopot but this year a massive 1Love concert featuring Machel Montano took over. Patrons have provided rave reviews on the concert though the rain fell heavily. Those who were not deterred by the showers enjoyed a surprise performance by the Bajan superstar, Rihanna.

crop over; 2015; rihanna; zulu; band; costume; caribbean; vacation; things to do; barbados
Rihanna enjoying Crop Over 2015 with the Zulu International band

On the last official day of festivities there is Grand Kadooment, masquerade bands parade the streets in a sea of colour and to celebrate another year of life and prosperity for the country. 

As the 2015 Party Monarchs would tell you, it's one day where 'All Ah We' can come together as one people and enjoy the 'Party Ah De Year'.

For other events and activities in Barbados, check

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